Through the years of doing hands on healing there has been a distinct awareness of the elemental and planetary influence in ones body, mind, and spirit. I have discovered the correlation that astrology is not only a study of the psyche but also beholds a physiology to one’s experience. Through my own personal healing exploration I have come to realize that all parts of the being needs support. The self discovery process in my own life through this body of work inspires me to help others.
My background in astrology started when I was the age of 9. I got my first astrology book, learned all of the Zodiacs and swiftly fell in love with stars, planets, and myths surrounding this ancient science. The web of learning this vast body of work is ongoing and will be a life’s study for me. My clarity is that I’m here on this planet to help others. Astrology is another avenue I pursue in order to facilitate a deeper knowing of the self, bring the unconscious to light, and empower one through the gift of self understanding.
In my work with somatoemotional release I have discovered my love for Carl Jung who’s fundamental teachings around psychotherapy have been applied. He was a proponent of astrology and supporting the collective power of Myth as well as the celestial bodies influence on the unconscious psyche. Suffice to say these different bodies of work have equal merit when providing profound personal awareness.
If you are looking for guidance or a sense of greater self awareness I would encourage you to try astrology. If you would like to schedule a reading I am currently booking sessions through Meridian Wellness Center within my private practice. We can meet in person at my office or use an online platform for readings via Skype or Zoom. I will email you a copy of your personal astrology wheel house and recording as part of your personalized chart reading.
“So far as the personality is still potential, it can be called transcendent, and so far as it is unconscious, it is indistinguishable from all those things that carry its projections…[that is,] symbols of the outside world and the cosmic symbols. These form the psychological basis for the conception of man as a macrocosm through the astrological components of his character.” – Carl G. Jung